An Ironman 70.3, also known as a Half Ironman, is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC). The "70.3" refers to the total distance in miles (113.0 km) covered in the race, consisting of a 1.2-mile (1.9 km) swim, a 56-mile (90 km) bike ride, and a 13.1-mile (21.1 km) run.
We know there are a whole lot of Marlburians who are competing in this years event and are proud to have our very own Anna heading away to compete too. We asked Anna to offer a bit of an insight in to her training and the motivation behind competing in such a challenging event.
"Well we all need a goal to keep us motivated! Being a lifelong fitness junkie I have always gotten my buzz at the gym, running, playing sport . However as I got older and especially after having kids, stubbornness just kind of set in - I now need to take this up a notch to defy my gray hairs - and gravity!
A fair few half marathons and triathlons later my sister Bek dragged me into my first taster of a 70.3, completing the swim section in gorgeous waters in Mooloolaba, while she completed the full event as part of her 40th celebrations. Now it’s a classic case of 'well if she can do it - so can I'. Always the little sister determined to keep up! Needless to say, I caught the bug.

Taupo 70.3 will be the 7th long distance triathlon I have participated in, three times in a team, and two individual finishes in Wanaka, the Motetapu Xterra earlier this year and now Taupo - this time to celebrate my 40th year! Surely I can beat my own time again!
Now I certainly don’t participate for a podium finish - faaaaaar from it, this total weekend warrior is more than happy to cross the finish line still in one piece, while admiring the superb efforts of those incredible athletes: fast and slow, young and old, big and small! And being witness to some fabulous sights and scenery. I LOVE the training process, with many plans laid and friendships made during hours over the aero bars and countless laps of the pool. And the very VERY best thing is that cold beer afterward 😉 gotta keep the balance!

It is amazing what your body can endure, how far you can push through the agony to reach the other side. I believe we all have that resilience in there somewhere waiting to be tapped into - whether is an Ironman , half marathon, or even pain / injury - set yourself a lofty goal and see what your body can do! 🏊 🏃 🚴"
Congratulations to each and everyone one of you who has the courage to sign up and train for this epic event, best of luck for Taupo 70.3 on Saturday - we will be cheering you on from the sidelines!